Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Carnival of the Liberals #20
The latest issue of Carnival of the Liberals is up over at The Greenbelt. Our host, The Ridger, takes us on a gentle walking tour of liberal country. It's a pleasant and stimulating walk, but nothing so strenuous that we AARP types can't keep up.

I want all of you to be thinking good liberal thoughts, especially you bloggers, because I'm hosting the next edition of CotL here at archy on Wednesday September 13. If you have a recent post that you're proud of that deals with liberal politics or commentary on almost anything from a liberal perspective, send me a link by dinnertime (or suppertime if you live in a farm state) on the 12th and I'll include it. Naturally, I'll think highly of you if you can get to me earlier than that.

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