This morning, Washington, DC commuters were treated to
the spectacle of a small plane towing a nearly 100-foot-long banner that read "OBAMA STOP DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY" in five-foot-tall letters. The message was paid for by the Danville Tea Party Patriots, the same group that wanted to burn House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and their local congressman, Tom Periello in effigy. The plane's flight plan was to take it over Interstate 66, which leads right into the heart of the city, and along the beltway which surrounds the city. This path would have taken the plane with in five to ten miles of such landmarks as the White House, the Pentagon, and the Capitol Building while Congress is in session. While I have no problem with the teabaggers exercising their right to free speech, however idiots I might find it, I have to ask "why on earth was a small plane of any sort allowed into that airspace?"

In other news, Republican Senator Mike Johanns is demanding a congressional investigation into something he admits
never happened.
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