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Who writes this stuff?
John J. McKay is a grumpy, aging liberal who lives in a small house with his wife, two cats, and a couple thousand books. To comment on anything in archy, send him an e-mail.

Who is archy?
I introduced the patron cockroach, his creator, and his definitive artist in these two early posts.
One. Two.

Other sources of archy information
John Batteiger's
Jim Ennes's

I'm one of the proprietors of
The Carnival of Bad History

I also post at
The Liberal Coalition
Talk to Action

Blogs I'm reading this week
The American Street
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The Blogging of the President
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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Olduvai George is back!
Olduvai George, AKA Carl Buell, is posting again after an eight month absence. It sounds as if his life isn't all beer and skittles yet, but it's in enough balance that he can give us some landscapes, fish, and, my favorite, some big quaternary mammals. Here's hoping things continue to get better and we hear more from him. Go say hi and welcome back.

posted by John at 10:38 PM |

Friday, November 10, 2006

What's next
I suppose most of us would like a respite from electoral politics for a moment. Unfortunately, nowadays elections never really stop. We have a few months before the serious campaigning begins, but here are a few questions we should keep in the back of our minds until we get sucked back into the maelstrom.

  • The Presidency. This one will be the first to shove it's way into our lives. Heck, the pros started handicapping possible contenders two years ago. Santorum and Allen have already been knocked out of the running by their disastrous Senate races. The press narrative is already portraying this as a Clinton and McCain race with the primary anti-Clinton and anti-McCain yet to emerge. When I look at the potential Democratic slate, I see a lot of great vice presidential candidates and no outstanding presidential candidates.
  • The House. I see two questions here. The first is what will the party do to protect its new members and help their re-election. This is highly dependent on what the final convention wisdom from the election is. If it's the victory of common-sense conservatism, expect a very cautious House and an agenda to the liking of the pundits and DLC. If the lesson is seen as the rejection of Bush and the far right, expect a little more liberal and adventurous House. The other House question is which seats will be the main targets of both parties in two years. We can expect a few Republicans, who don't want to be in the minority, to announce their retirement and we can expect a few more to resign in disgrace as some of the current scandals play out. Other than that, the House is way too early to predict.
  • The Senate. Since only a third of the Senate runs in each election, we will have a completely different slate next time and it's a small enough group that we can begin handicapping them now. One wild card is who might drop out to run for the Presidency. Kos has handicapped the seats already and I pretty much agree with his evaluation. A Franken / Coleman race in Minnesota is sure to be the most fun. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is probably the most endangered Democrat, John Sununu in New Hampshire the Republican. The only thing that will remove Ted Stevens of Alaska would be retirement or death, and even the latter is iffy since Alaska is one of that select group of states that has elected a dead man to congress (Nick Beigich in 1972). Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma is the Republican I most want to see eliminated.
  • The States. This could be interesting. The Democrats picked up six governorships and a couple hundred state house seats this year. The governors elected in '08 will be the ones in office during the redistricting following the 2001 census. I think both parties are now forward-thinking enough to plan for that.

Besides picking our candidates and races, I think the most valuable thing most of could do is to help shape the conventional wisdom. We blog, we write letters to the editor, we talk up our relatives, neighbors, and co-workers. We should try to take down the straight talking St. McCain and the weak-on-defense Democrats narratives. It's never too soon to start casting doubt on the Republicans we plan to target; broken promises are the most effective critique. And, of course it's never too soon to start talking up the candidates we support.

Outside of actual election campaigns, the best thing any of us could do would be to work to clean up the whole election process and help restore confidence in the system. Get rid of touch-screen systems. Even if no one was cheating, the systems are still crap; they don't work as advertised. Get rid of partisan redistricting and off-decade redistricting in all states (it has to be all states, just reforming our states and letting them cheat in their states is suicide). Reform registration and voting processes to help the largest number of citizens vote, not to disenfranchise the "wrong" voters (according to the party in power).

There's lots to do, but first we need to take a few days off. I'm going to go read about mammoths and Nazi flying saucers.

posted by John at 12:38 PM |

Here's a ticket I can get behind
I just saw a "Stewart / Colbert '08" bumpersticker.

posted by John at 10:47 AM |

Fair is fair
If they're not winning, they're whining.
A Mississippi congressman says Rep. Charles Rangel of New York owes the Southern state an apology, and he asks if insults are what Mississippi should expect when Democrats take over leadership in Congress.

Rangel, a Democrat, was quoted in The New York Times on Thursday saying: "Mississippi gets more than their fair share back in federal money, but who the hell wants to live in Mississippi?"

Rangel said he didn't intend to insult the state, but Rep. Chip Pickering, R-Mississippi, issued a sharp statement criticizing the choice of words.

"I hope his remarks are not the kind of insults, slander and defamation that Mississippians will come to expect from the Democrat leadership in Washington, D.C.," Pickering said.

I think the Democrats in congress should give Mississippi the same respect that the Republicans in congress gave to Massachutsetts and San Francisco when they were in charge. It's all about mutual respect.

posted by John at 10:29 AM |

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The real Hindrocket
This just in from Sunderland Today:
AN idiotic prank backfired when a man tried to launch a firework from his bottom in a movie-style stunt.

The dangerous stunt mimicked a shocking scene from the controversial film Jackass: The Movie.

The 22-year-old is understood to be recovering at Sunderland Royal Hospital after sustaining horrific internal injuries.


A spokeswoman for the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) said: "We received a call at 9.38pm and a crew from our Pallion station was sent out.

"The report stated there was a male who had a firework in his bottom and it was bleeding. He was attended to and taken to Sunderland Royal Hospital."

For more details (because inquiring minds need to know) we turn to The Times:
Witness Daniel Kassim, 16, said: "There were around 40 of us at a bonfire on Dundas Road.

"After the fire had finished we were hanging around setting off fireworks. The lad was saying, ‘This is boring, what can we do?’ He then decided to put a rocket up his backside and set it off.

"Everyone was just laughing and didn’t believe he would do it but he pulled his trousers down, placed the firework and someone lit it.

"It exploded within a few seconds and he fell to the ground. No one thought he was hurt, we all thought it was hilarious.

It's all fun and games until someone blows their ass off.
A spokesman for the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) said the prank could have been fatal.

Douglas McDougal, from the NEAS, said: "We received a call stating there was a male who had a firework in his bottom and it was bleeding.

"He sustained fairly significant injuries in the fact that there's huge damage to that particular area."

Mr McDougal added: "Potentially it could have been a fatal incident.

"There's a lot of major blood vessels round that area, so infection would probably be a huge problem for him.

"And also the body naturally produces methane gas, so combine that with the firework and the exploding effect with methane's flammability - it certainly could have been a lot worse than it really was."

A spokesman for the Firework Association described the bizarre prank as "beyond belief".

Remember kids, Smokey's friends don't play with matches and there's a reason why they call that show Jackass.

posted by John at 4:26 PM |

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy news
Rumsfeld has resigned and Bush has nominated Robert Gates to replace him. Gates was the head of the CIA in daddy’s administration. The best thing about this nomination is that he’s not Lieberman. I had feared that Bush might nominate Lieberman to the Defense Department. If Lieberman left the Senate for a cabinet position, the Republican governor of Connecticut would get to name his replacement, returning a seat to the Republicans. This would have given Lieberman the chance to support the war to his heart’s content and screw over the rest of the Democratic Party. But, since Bush nominated someone else, that bit of treachery won’t happen.

posted by John at 11:45 AM |

Worst case scenario
The election turned out better than I dared hope for, but I still have one little bit of pessimism to unload. Right now the news is calling the Senate a 49-49 split with two races undecided. Those two are Montana and Virginia. The count actually has the Democrats, Tester and Webb, narrowly ahead in both races. The Montana race appears to be beyond the range of a recount, but it might be possible for Allen to get a recount in Virginia. Virginia law states that the election has to be certified before they start any recounts. That takes us up to the beginning of December. If Allen decides to call for multiple recounts and lawsuits he could drag this into January and beyond.

If the new Senate is sworn in without the junior Senator from Virginia, it will only have 99 members. That would seem to give the Democrats a 50-49 majority for the leadership vote. But that's not actually the case. Those fifty Senators, who most pundits are counting as Democrats, actually include two Independents, Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman. Sanders is no problem; he will caucus with the Democrats. Lieberman is another matter. Although he has said he will caucus with the Democrats, he is a very bitter man. That means the actual vote will be 49-49 with Lieberman holding the tie-breaker vote. There is a very good chance that he would throw the Senate back to the Republicans out of spite toward his Democratic colleagues who had the gall to support the Democratic nominee in Connecticut.

Why, you might ask, is this worse than the Republicans keeping power through an out and out majority? The Lieberman case is worse than that because it means Lieberman will be in our face twenty-four hours a day for the next two years. Both sides will have to suck up to him over the leadership vote. We will be subjected to the news outlets reporting every syllable of his Hamlet-like anguishing over the leadership vote. Whatever he does, we can be sure it will result in his getting a very public position from which to continue in his role as the chief moral scold of Congress. We will have to listen to his self-righteous and whiny sermons every day for the next two years.

Wouldn't you rather have a plain old Republican majority than a Republican majority starring Joe Lieberman? Me too.

PS - I'm a little rusty on the exact details of Senate procedure. It might be that this scenario isn't possible for some reason. If I'm wrong, I'll welcome the correction. Meanwhile, that's enough election pessimism for now. I'm going to find some nice things to talk about.

Update - The news networks are all calling the Montana race for Tester. Now if someone can just get Allen to give up.

posted by John at 11:14 AM |

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Doing our patriotic duty
Clever Wife and I both like voting at the polls. In the past we've had to wait over an hour to do so, but we like the patriotic experience. She comes from an old union family and I come from an old farming family and we both regard voting as both a duty and a social bonding experience.

Though we both now live in a precinct where our opinion is the majority, we both spent a large part of our grown-up lives as minority voters. That is, we both spent years going to the polls knowing we would lose, knowing that our votes wouldn't matter, yet feeling it was important to go to the polls and say, "we are here." This is the nature of democracy. In any mob ruled fascist state the majority can intimidate the majority into silence. Majority rule is not the key to a democracy; respect for the minority is. We have always known this and, thus, we have always enjoyed voting. Just as we have always enjoyed jury duty: yes we lose money, but we get to make our opinion part of our society. I suppose the rituals of democracy are less important to the rich because they have more effective ways of influencing society. To be crude, voting and serving on juries is our way of saying, "fuck you" to the rich. The populist in me likes that idea.

The polls just closed. Let's go see what happened.

posted by John at 8:14 PM |

Don't cry for me Pennsylvania*
Rick Santorum is on the tube right now making his concession speech. He started out classy and then got smarmy and then I left the room, so I can't say what the full effect of his speech will be. He was the one Republican everyone gave the worst odds of survival to. As a partisan Democrat and a godless secularist I'm happy to see him gone. But as a liberal, I find myself tempted to share his pain over this loss. We liberals are like that. If you are a sensitive liberal, let me say, don't cry for Rick Santorum. From a financial point of view, this will probably amount to a promotion for him. With his knowledge of K Street and his connections with the Republican Party, he will probably roll over into a high-paying lobbyist job long before you or I even roll over our mattresses. If the GOP and its business allies choose to be vindictive and punish those who lost power by representing them too accurately, then Rick might still find an obscenely prosperous career as a televangelist. He might need to invest in some hair mousse to really fill the role, but his white-bread good looks and big teeth give him a step up on most competitors. His options are many; don't cry for him Pennsylvania.

* I know I won't be the only blogger to use this joke (because it's pretty obvious) and I won't be the best-trafficked to use it, but I thought I'd take a shot at being the first to use it. Or at least the first in my time zone. The first in the 7th congressional district of Washington?

posted by John at 7:23 PM |

In case you needed a good reason
The nice folks over at Think Progress have provided us with 109 reasons to dump the 109th Congress. I'm sure you can think of a few more while you fill out your ballot.

1. Congress set a record for the fewest number of days worked — 218 between the House and Senate combined. [Link]

2. The Senate voted down a measure that urged the administration to start a phased redeployment of U.S. forces out of Iraq by the end of 2006. [Link]

3. Congress failed to raise the minimum wage, leaving it at its lowest inflation-adjusted level since 1955. [Link]

4. Congress gave itself a two percent pay raise. [Link]

5. There were 15,832 earmarks totaling $71 billion in 2006. (In 1994, there were 4,155 earmarks totaling $29 billion.) [Link]

6. Congress turned the tragic Terri Schiavo affair into a national spectacle because, according to one memo, it was “a great political issue” that got “the pro-life base…excited.” [Link]

7. The chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works thinks global warming is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” [Link]

8. The House leadership held open a vote for 50 minutes to twist arms and pass a bill that helped line the pockets of energy company executives. [Link]

9. Congress fired the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, the lone effective federal watchdog for Iraq spending, effective Oct. 1, 2007. [Link]

10. The Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee thinks the Internet is “a series of tubes.” [Link]

11. Congress established the pay-to-play K Street corruption system which rewarded lobbyists who made campaign contributions in return for political favors doled out by conservatives. [Link]

12. The lobbying reform bill Congress passed was a total sham. [Link]

13. Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) shamefully attacked Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) on the House floor, telling him that “cowards cut and run, Marines never do.” [Link]

14. Congress passed budgets that resulted in deficits of $318 billion and $250 billion. [Link]

15. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said Donald Rumsfeld “is the best thing that’s happened to the Pentagon in 25 years.” [Link]

16. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) baselessly announced that “we have found the WMD in Iraq.” [Link]

17. Congress passed a special-interest, corporate-friendly Central American trade deal (CAFTA) after holding the vote open for one hour and 45 minutes to switch the vote of Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC). [Link]

18. Senate conservatives threatened to use the “nuclear option” to block members of the Senate from filibustering President Bush’s judicial nominees. [Link]

19. Congress stuck in $750 million in appropriations bills “for projects championed by lobbyists whose relatives were involved in writing the spending bills.” [Link]

20. The typical Congressional work week is late Tuesday to noon on Thursday. [Link]

21. Congress has issued zero subpoenas to the Bush administration. [Link]

22. Congress eliminated the Perkins college loan program and cut Pell Grants by $4.6 billion. [Link]

23. Rep. Don Sherwood (R-PA) paid $500,000 to settle a lawsuit alleging that he stranged his 29-year-old mistress. [Link]

24. Congress decreased the number of cops on the streets by cutting nearly $300 million in funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program. [Link]

25. In a debate last year over the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee abruptly cut off the microphones when Democrats began discussing the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. [Link]

26. Just two out of 11 spending bills have made it out of Congress this year. [Link]

27. 1,502 U.S. troops have died in Iraq since Congress convened. [Link]

28. The House Ethics Committee is “broken,” according to the Justice Department. [Link]

29. The FBI continues to investigate Rep. Curt Weldon’s (R-PA) willingness to trade his political influence for lucrative lobbying and consulting contracts for his daughter. [Link]

30. Congress failed to protect 58.5 million acres of roadless areas to logging and road building by repealing the Roadless Rule. [Link]

31. Congress spent weeks debating a repeal of the estate tax (aka the Paris Hilton Tax), which affects a miniscule fraction of the wealthiest Americans. [Link]

32. The percentage of Americans without health insurance hit a record-high, as Congress did nothing to address the health care crisis. [Link]

33. Both the House and Senate voted to open up our coasts to more oil drilling, “by far the slowest, dirtiest, most expensive way to meet our energy needs.” [Link]

34. Congress stripped detainees of the right of habeas corpus. [Link]

35. The House fell 51 votes short of overriding President Bush’s veto on expanding federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. [Link]

36. Only 16 percent of Americans think Congress is doing a good job. [Link]

37. Congress confirmed far-right activist Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. [Link]

38. Congress spent days debating a constitutional amendment that would criminalize desecration of the U.S. flag, the first time in 214 years that the Bill of Rights would have been restricted by a constitutional amendment. [Link]

39. Congress raised the debt limit by $800 billion, to $9 trillion. [Link]

40. Rep. Charles Taylor (R-NC) earmarked $11.4 million for a highway to increase the property values in a rural area where he owned land. [Link]

41. Congress passed an energy bill that showered $6 billion in subsidies on polluting oil and gas firms while doing little to curb energy demand or invest in renewable energy industries. [Link]

42. Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA) used his seat on the House Appropriations Committee to steer earmarks towards to one of his closest friends and major campaign contributor. [Link]

43. Congress passed a strict bankruptcy bill making it harder for average people to recover from financial misfortune by declaring bankruptcy, even if they are victims of identity theft, suffering from debilitating illness, or serving in the military. [Link]

44. The House passed a bill through committee that that would “essentially replace” the 1973 Endangered Species Act with something “far friendlier to mining, lumber and other big extraction interests that find the original act annoying.” [Link]

45. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) earmarked funds to increase the property value of lands that he later sold for a profit. [Link]

46. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) distributed a memo urging colleagues to exploit 9/11 to defend Bush’s Iraq policy. [Link]

47. Congress repeatedly failed to pass port security provisions that would require 100 percent scanning of containers bound for the United States. [Link]

48. Ex-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) declared an “ongoing victory” in his effort to cut spending, and said “there is simply no fat left to cut in the federal budget.” [Link]

49. Congress allowed Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) stay in Congress for a month after pleading guilty in the Jack Abramoff investigation. [Link]

50. Congress didn’t investigate Tom DeLay and let him stay in Congress as long as he wanted. [Link]

51. The Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission are investigating the Senate Majority Leader’s sale of HCA stock a month before its value fell by nine percent. [Link]

52. Congressional conservatives pressured the Director of National Intelligence to make public documents found in Iraq that included instructions to build a nuclear bomb. [Link]

53. Conservatives repeatedly tried to privatize Social Security, a change that would lead to sharp cuts in guaranteed benefits. [Link]

54. Congress is trying to destroy net neutrality. [Link]

55. Rep. Katherine Harris (R-FL) accepted contributions from disgraced lobbyist Mitchell Wade and MZM, Inc., her largest campaign contributor, in return for a defense earmark. [Link]

56. Former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA) was sentenced to eight years federal prison for taking $2.4 million in bribes in exchange for lucrative defense contracts, among other crimes. [Link]

57. Congress passed a $286 billion highway bill in 2005 stuffed with 6,000 pork projects. [Link]

58. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) abused his power and suspended a Democratic staffer in an act of retribution. [Link]

59. Congress failed to offer legal protections to states that divest from the Sudan. [Link]

60. The Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-AK) tried to earmark $223 million to build a bridge to nowhere. [Link]

61. Congress spent days debating an anti-gay constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. [Link]

62. Congress isn’t doing anything significant to reverse catastrophic climate change. [Link]

63. House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) secured a federal earmark to increase the property value of his land and reap at least $1.5 million in profits. [Link]

64. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) used a video tape “diagnosis” to declare that Terri Schiavo, who was later found to be blind, “certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli.” [Link]

65. Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) resigned in disgrace after ABC News revealed explicit instant messages exchanges between Foley and former congressional pages. [Link]

66. Half of all Americans believe most members of Congress are corrupt. [Link]

67. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) said that gay marriage “is the most important issue that we face today.” [Link]

68. The House voted against issuing a subpoena seeking all reconstruction contract communications between Cheney’s office and Halliburton. [Link]

69. Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) told a Virginia-based volunteer firefighting team they had done a “piss-poor job” in fighting wildfires in Montana. [Link]

70. The House voted against amendments prohibiting monopoly contracts and requiring congressional notification for Department of Defense contracts worth more than $1 million. [Link]

71. Congress failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform. [Link]

72. During a floor debate on embryonic stem cell research, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) held up a picture of an embryo drawn by a 7-year-old girl. Brownback explained that one of the embryos in the picture was asking, “Are you going to kill me?” [Link]

73. Sen. George Allen (R-VA) used the slur “macaca” to describe an opposing campaign staffer of Indian descent, and has been repeatedly accused by former associates of using racial epithets to refer to African-Americans. [Link]

74. Congress refused to swear in oil executives testifying about high prices. [Link]

75. Against congressional rules, ex-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) accepted expensive foreign trips funded by Jack Abramoff. [Link]

76. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) went on the House floor to unveil a fence that he “designed” for the southern border. King constructed a model of the fence as he said, “We do this with livestock all the time.” [Link]

77. Ex-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) threatened the judges who ruled in the Terri Schiavo case, saying the “time will come” for them “to answer for their behavior.” [Link]

78. Congressional conservatives wanted to investigate Sandy Berger, but not the Iraq war. [Link]

79. Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA) engaged in crooked land deals with campaign donors. [Link]

80. Not a single non-appropriations bill was open to amendment in the second session of the Congress. [Link]

81. House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) claimed that supporters of Bush’s Iraq policy “show the same steely resolve” as did the passengers on United 93. [Link]

82. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) appeared with prominent Christian conservatives in a telecast portraying opponents of Bush’s judicial nominees as “against people of faith.” [Link]

83. Under the guise of “tort reform,” Congress passed legislation that would “undermine incentives for safety” and make it “harder for some patients with legitimate but difficult claims to find legal representation.” [Link]

84. Despite multiple accidents in West Virginia and elsewhere, Congress passed legislation that failed to adequately protect mine workers. [Link]

85. House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) said “if you earn $40,000 a year and have a family of two children, you don’t pay any taxes,” even though it isn’t true. [Link]

86. Monthly Medicare Part B premiums have almost doubled since 2000, from $45.50 in 2000 to $88.50 in 2006. [Link]

87. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) inserted a provision in the Defense Appropriations bill that granted vaccine manufactures near-total immunity for injuries or deaths, even in cases of “gross negligence.” [Link]

88. Congress appropriated $700 million for a “railroad to nowhere, but just $173 million to stop the genocide in Darfur. [Link]

89. Congress included a $500 million giveaway to defense giant Northup Grumman in a bill that was supposed to provide “emergency” funding for Iraq, even though the Navy opposed the payment. [Link]

90. Ex-Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH), who has since pled guilty to talking bribes, was put it charge briefing new lawmakers “on congressional ethics.” [Link]

91. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) can’t tell the difference between the Voting Rights Act and the Stamp Act. [Link]

92. Three days before Veterans Day — House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Steve Buyer (R-IN) announced that for the first time in at least 55 years, “veterans service organizations will no longer have the opportunity to present testimony before a joint hearing of the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees.” [Link]

93. Members were caught pimping out their offices with $5,700 plasma-screen televisions, $823 ionic air fresheners, $975 window blinds, and $623 popcorn machines. [Link]

94. House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) skipped a vote on Katrina relief to attend a fundraiser. [Link]

95. Congress made toughening horse slaughtering rules the centerpiece of its agenda after returning from summer recess this year. [Link]

96. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) wants to send 20,000 more troops into the middle of a civil war in Iraq. [Link]

97. Katrina victims were forced to take out ad space to “plead[] with Congress to pay for stronger levees.” [Link]

98. Congress passed the REAL ID Act, “a national ID law that will drive immigrants underground, while imposing massive new burdens on everyone else.” [Link]

99. Congress extended tax cuts that provided an average of $20 relief but an average of nearly $42,000 to those earning over $1 million a year. [Link]

100. Congress received a “dismal” report card from the 9/11 Commission — five F’s, 12 D’s, nine C’s, and only one A-minus — for failing to enact the commission’s recommendations. [Link]

101. Congress won’t let the government negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs for people on Medicare. [Link]

102. Congress has left America’s chemical plants vulnerable to terrorist attack. [Link]

103. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) “threw the senatorial version of a hissy fit” when he threatened to resign unless the Senate approved funding for his bridge to nowhere. [Link]

104. Congress didn’t simplify the tax code. [Link]

105. Seventy-five percent voters can’t name one thing Congress has accomplished. [Link]

106. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), has “raised campaign contributions at a rate of about $10,000 a day since February, surpassing the pace set by former Representative Tom DeLay.” [Link]

107. Congress failed to ensure Government Accountability Office oversight of Hurricane Katrina relief funds, resulting in high levels of waste, fraud, and abuse. [Link]

108. When a reporter asked Rep. Don Young (R-AK) if he would redirect spending on his bridge projects to Katrina victim housing, Young said, “They can kiss my ear!” [Link]

109. There were just 12 hours of hearings on Abu Ghraib. (There were more than 100 hours of hearings on alleged misuse of the Clinton Christmas card list.) [Link]

According to my clock, it is now election day.

posted by John at 12:14 AM |

Monday, November 06, 2006

Just another suppress the vote effort
For some reason the White House thought it was important to let us know that Cheney will spend Election Day on a hunting trip. I suppose they hope that the thought of Cheney lurking out there with a shotgun will be enough to keep the more timid Democrats home. If anyone is afraid Cheney might be hunting Democrats, they need not be. Cheney doesn't hunt--at least not in any meaningful sense of the way that word is used in places like Wyoming. Cheney just stands around with his business associates and friends waiting for the servants to herd or release tame target game in front of his gun. He's sort of like fellow red-stater Troy Gentry in that. The thing to remember is that Cheney can't hunt unless someone first ctaches the game for him. Whatever you do, don't get into a car with any strange Republicans tomorrow. Other than that, we have nothing to fear but Diebold itself.

posted by John at 11:52 PM |

Prediction with numbers
My last prediction was one of tone: I don't expect to win big and even if we win big, it won't bring about the millennium. I suppose it's not really fair to make a prediction that isn't specific. You folks deserve the opportunity to laugh at me when I get it completely wrong. So, here it is.

In the Senate, I think the Democrats have a better than fifty-fifty chance in three races: Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Rhode Island. That's a minimum of three that we gain. Three other races are at about fifty-fifty: Montana, Virginia, and Missouri. I think we'll take at least one of these and probably two. I see a big gap between those and the next level of pick-up possibilities which are places like Tennessee, Arizona, and Nevada. I don't actually see us gaining any of those. As for possible losses, the two most likely, New Jersey and Maryland, I rate below fifty-fifty. So, my prediction is that we will gain four or five. A good night might gain us six and a bad night could gain us as few as two. In any case I don't think it's possible for us to gain a Lieberman-proof seven seats (and I think we will still have Lieberman to kick around after this election). Nothing on the West Coast is in play, so we should know about the Senate fairly early in the night.

In the House, I'll say we pick up twenty seats and the Republicans won't pick up any. If it's a good night, we might pick up as many as thirty-five. I think claims of forty or more or way too optimistic. In a worst case, I think we will still take control of the House, but it could be by as small as a two seat majority (has that ever existed?). I suppose it's possible for the Republicans to gain a seat or two somewhere, but I honestly can't think of which seats those are.

I haven't been following the Governor's races very closely, but it looks like the Democrats will gain about a half dozen and the Republicans will gain none. It's not too soon to start thinking about the 2010 census reapportionment. Who holds the state houses and legislatures matters.

One thing that has made me unsure about predicting this election, beyond my native pessimism, has been the changing ways we vote. I'm not sure the pollsters have figured out how to deal with early voting. I expect the big polling firms to spend a lot of time and money working on their testing and methodology before the next election.

I'll also make the safe prediction that there will be massive voter disenfranchisement efforts, dirty tricks, and claims of dirty tricks tomorrow. Bring your cell phone and a camera to the polls with you when you vote.

Update: Interestingly enough, my prediction is about the same as the Republican view from The Hotline.

posted by John at 1:31 PM |

The psychos among us
If you want to view a truly sickening display of the kind of bloodthirsty degenerates who are among our fellow Americans, go read the comments that follow Dr. Charles post on hanging. A line of posturing and ignorant trolls try to out do each other in their demands for greater brutality in our executions. The current leader of the pack is a psycho called JamesR who says:
In my opinion a good executioner could make a hanging last a good day. By pulling him up and letting him rest on the tips of his toes. Add a band and some barbeque and we could make a day of it.

I'm surprised he forgot to mention the piano wire. Justice and death are nothing more than games of one-upmanship to these sociopathic children. How many of them really have the lack of conscience necessary to be "good executioners?" And if they did have what it takes to be cold-blooded torturers for the state, would you want them as your neighbors?

Of course, plenty of them at least have enough of a sense of shame over their blood-thirstiness that they feel the need to couple it with faux compassion and willful distortion of Dr. Charles' position. How can he show compassion for Saddam, they cry, even though he didn't, when Saddam was a bad man? What about Saddam's victims?

Indeed, what about them? How many of Saddam's victims will hanging him bring back? How many more will it bring back if we torture him first and televise it? The dead will remain dead, no matter what we do with Saddam. Killing him merely brings us one step closer to his level. Our torturing President and Vice President have already brought us to close to Saddam's level for my comfort.

The question is not whether or not Saddam is a bad man who did bad things. Dr. Charles didn't defend him. I haven't defended him. I know no one who has defended him. The question is whether or not we should be killers ourselves. The questions of whether he deserves death and whether we should become killers are two different questions.

The fake outrage on behalf of Saddam's victims has a second, sleazier, use of shifting the subject still further from Dr. Charles' point. How come he isn't writing about Saddam's victims, they demand. Well, how come he isn't writing about how to make our laundry lemon fresh? He chose a certain topic to write about. To criticize him for not writing about something else is simply not a valid criticism. I don't know if Dr. Charles ever objected to Saddam's crimes when Saddam committing them. I'm willing to bet money that none of his commenters know either.

We have to be better than those we condemn or we have no business condemning them.

posted by John at 11:01 AM |

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Another death in Iraq
As expected, Saddam Hussein was found guilty in his crimes against humanity trial today and sentenced to death by hanging, along with two other members of his regime.

Hanging is one of the oldest-known methods of formal execution. Dr. Charles explains what happens in a typical hanging.
Physiologically speaking, the cause of death depends upon the mechanism. If the body is released from a high position then death usually occurs as a result of severing of the spinal cord between C1 and C2 at the base of the skull. This paralyzes the muscles of the diaphragm in addition to those of the body. If spinal cord injury is not the immediate cause then occlusion of the major blood vessels to the brain usually is. Both venous and arterial blockage contribute to death. When the internal jugular veins are collapsed the brain swells and and chokes off the small vessels feeding the substance of the brain. The carotid arteries, which deliver oxygen rich blood, take more force to collapse given their deeper position in the neck and the higher pressures of blood flowing within. When cerebral circulation is compromised in any event, death occurs within 4-5 minutes. The heart may continue to beat autonomously for up to 10-15 minutes (since it has its own pacemaker) after the brain is no longer resurrectable. The body and limbs may move after death because of nervous and muscular reflexes. The face becomes blue and engorged. A classic forensic sign of strangulation is petechiae, or small red dots, from burst blood capillaries of the face and eyes. The increase in arterial carbon dioxide triggers strong reactions in the body and mind that are among the most distressing possible.

To those who find this method barbaric, consider the "humane" alternative that we have created in this country.
Most states that execute use the lethal injection method because it has the appearance of being more humane than the old methods of hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, and electric chair. It is not more humane, but it is less messy, and that's what allows them to keep up the all important appearance of humaneness.

For lethal injection, the prisoner is set up with an IV and three chemicals are pumped into them in sequence. The first chemical is supposed to knock the prisoner unconscious. This is the first key to the illusion of humaneness: if the prisoner is asleep, we think they won't feel anything. The death is supposed to be like freezing to death: the victim grows tired and numb, falls asleep, and never wakes up. More importantly for the illusion, an unconscious victim doesn't make noise or show pain the way a conscious one would....

The second chemical induces paralysis in all the muscles of the body except the heart. If nothing else is done, the prisoner will slowly and painfully suffocate when their chest muscles stop working. If the prisoner is not completely asleep, they feel that pain. The main purpose of paralysis is to keep the condemned from flopping around and upsetting the witnesses. Many states have laws against using these drugs to kill unwanted animals, but we still use them to kill unwanted humans.

The third chemical induces a heart attack. Heart attacks can be very painful, but they are not always fatal. Once again, if the prisoner is not completely asleep, they feel that pain. And, if the first heart attack isn't fatal, they lie there suffocating while the medical technician prepares a second heart attack.

This is not the best place for a discussion of my philosophy of the death peanalty (I'm against it, period). I have no sympaty for Saddam; I wanted him to leave this planet long before he was our enemy, even before he was our friend. Back before Don Rumsfeld ran guns to Saddam I wanted him gone. But, I still think it's wrong to kill him. Make him harmless. Lock him up. Put him in a clean, sterile room and watch him twenty-four hours a day. Wish him a long miserable life, like Rudolph Hess had. That should be enough.

Killing him will not heal Iraq. Killing him will not bring about a national closure. Killing him will not cause the anti-American resistance to suddenly collapse. One more dead body will not help anything.

posted by John at 8:44 PM |

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The predictable predictions
I do not think I have ever been so eager for an election to hurry up and be over. Elections are my spectator sport. Normally, I enjoy the dirty tricks, the sudden revelations, obsessing over the numbers, and the suspense. Not this year. My team has an amazing ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. Each of the last two elections I have gone into election night thinking my team is set to gain at least two seats in the Senate and we have lost at least two seats in the Senate. I could go on about this scandal or that poll, but I just want it to be over.

I'm a Democrat. I'm a liberal Democrat. I'm a Western, liberal Democrat. The only way this could be worse was if I was a Western Alabama, liberal Democrat. I reached political maturity during the last gasp of Western progressivism. The most involved I ever was in an election was 1980. I was a paid staffer on a Senate campaign slated to go to Washington as a significant staffer. That was the year Western progressivism died. I spent election night at the headquarters watching every Western progressive Democrat in the Senate (except Alan Cranston) die. As the time zones rolled West, George McGovern was defeated, Mike Mansfield was defeated, Frank Church was defeated, and Warren Magnuson was defeated. As the tide continued westward, I sat on the phone trying to think of some good news to give Robert Byrd who was on the phone begging for a silver lining. And I had nothing to give. We were crushed that year.

Elections are no longer a game. Each of the last two elections has raised the stakes. The Bush camarilla and its rubber-stamp allies in both houses of Congress have been throwing away all the values that make America America. They have gutted the Bill of Rights and destroyed our image abroad.

So what happens after the election?

I predict that the Democrats will take control of the House and will end up within one vote one side or the other of a majority in the Senate. I would rather it was the other way around. Of course, I would really rather we get a Lieberman-proof majority in both houses.

I won't risk predicting numbers because A) I'm usually over-optimistic and B) I don't have a clear sense of what will happen even though I'm watching more individual races than I ever have before. The top contributor to my uncertainty is that too many elections are polling within the margin of error for the polls. That not only means the polls might be wrong; it means a small nudge, like the right lying, last minute ad, might shift the election. It means that a small demographic, like evangelicals who lie or opt out of the poll might give a false result. It means cheating might work. The only real defense against cheating is a landslide. Razor thin margins can be beaten by ruthless legal teams and the last few elections have shown the Republicans out-lawyering the Democrats.

What happens if we win, if we beat their last minute dirty-tricks, cheating, and lawyers?

Even if we gain a Lieberman-proof majority in both houses we haven't beat Bushism. The Republicans in both houses will engage in a scorched earth retreat on every point. They will block investigations. They will obstruct legislation. Most of all, they will engage in one of the most sophisticated propaganda campaigns this country has ever seen.

We will not pull the troops out of Iraq, because Bush will still run the Pentagon. Any reduction in the budget or attempt to lower or troop level, beyond what Gerorge Bush and his mouth-pieces want, will be met with accusations of not supporting the troops and cries that each new death is a result of that lack of support. Naturally, all further failures in Iraq and the greater Middle East will be blamed on Democrats not letting the genius of Bush, Cheny, and Rumsfeld have their way.

We will not restore constitutional rule, privacy, assumption of innocence, and respect for inalienable rights, because any attempt to do so will be met with cries that we are favoring terrorists over Americans.

We will not restore regulatory protections, environmental regulations, or patch the tattered social safety net because all of these laws are enforced by agencies under the direct control of the executive branch.

The best we can hope for will be that the worst crimes and failures of the Bush administration will finally be investigated. But expect every investigation to be accompanied by an expensive and expansive campaign claiming that this is just Democratic vindictiveness.

We might block some of the worst appointments of the Bush camarilla if we take control of the Senate, but expect the same expensive and expansive campaign claiming that this is Democratic obstructionism--that is if the Liebermans of the Senate even allow bad appointments to be blocked. At present, the administration can count on a large enough fifth column among Democratic Senators that they can push their reactionary nominations through for any position without a thought toward compromise.

My prediction for this election is that the best hope of liberal Democrats like myself will be that we slow the damage of the Bush administration. Turing the tide and restoring the moral greatness of America will be generation long effort, if it is possible to accomplish it at all.

No sports metaphor really suffices any more. At worst, the game has been destroyed and we should stop watching. At best, we might slow any further damage and start setting the conditions under which the game might be worth watching again someday. Is it any wonder that I just want this election to hurry up and be over?

posted by John at 9:49 PM |

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I attempt a sports metaphor
The Air Force has had to request an emergency appropriation because they have used up their 2006 budget to transport coffins. Even though George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld are all tickled pink over how well the war is going and think they all deserve a vote of confidence, we have used up our budget for bringing dead Americans home in a respectful and honorable manner two months before the year is over. I can't think of any more potent symbol of how badly the war has failed to live up to even our worst expectations. Yet, I'm sure someone will manage to spin this as the fault of liberal Democrats, who are in the minority—if not completely absent—in every branch of the government.

I know most American voters want to believe that their team is the best and that all of the problems of the world are the fault of the other team. But, politics is not sports. In sports, there comes a time when even the most rabid fan must admit that there team is just bad. Why is it so much harder for voters to come to this realization about politics. However well the Republican Party might speak the language of a certain strata of American society, the simple truth is that their policies are killing Americans to no good purpose.

It's time to bench this group of players and send in a different group. Democrats are not the opposite team; they are the bench warmers of America's team and they deserve a chance to save this game before team America is driven from the field in disgrace.

posted by John at 9:48 PM |

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